Saturday, January 31, 2009

cyrus's quilt!

the quilt has an undersea theme with a big octopus and lots of fishes. it was my first attempt at freestyle quilting with my sewing machine. cyrus seemed to like it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i have not been very good about blogging lately - i actually have a backlog of potential blog entries. the desire to actually post them seems to have left me. i'll try to be better. here are a couple of cool things i've found online lately:

jimbo's front porch - this fella makes really lovely crochet hooks to earn money to renovate his old family property. nice hooks.

i also like these:
by hisano takei

by john murphy

by jenny almen gennerfeldt

Monday, September 15, 2008

holy trilobite!

i think i will have a problem. you can buy trilobite fossils. it didn't occur to me before, but i found some for sale online today at fossilmall and it's very tempting... they're a little pricey, but only for the fancier ones (um, like those pictured here).

Friday, September 12, 2008

my new favorite blog!

check out resurrection fern - she makes sweaters for snails for pete's sake! it's fabulous. plus, her mushroom pictures are excellent. i wonder where she's located. i have mushroom envy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


the beautiful Homer spit. we hung out in Homer for a few hours before taking a boat to Halibut Cove.

we hiked to this glacier on our first morning

this is a sea urchin (check out what they look like without spines here).

we had sunny weather almost all weekend, but the one shower was worth it for this rainbow.

luke is now a fan of kayaking.

this seal camped out of the pier while we were there.

there are mushrooms in Alaska, too!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

look what felt can do

i had not previously thought that needle felting would be fun for me, but these pieces by stephanie metz are making me want to run out to the craft store and get to felting. teddy bear skulls! fetal creatures!